PARCC's Release of New Sample Items
Late last week the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers ( PARCC ) released new sample items for summative (end of the year) assessments in grades 3 - 10. To make things super easy for you I have linked them here for both English Language Arts and Math. Hope you have a chance to check out what's pertinent to you. Grades 4, 8, 9, 11 ELA will be released later in the fall. Once the link takes you to the website, click on "friendly print version" or PDF to view. I would love for you to leave a comment after looking. In studying the ELA assessments, I was struck by how much technology the kids are going to need in order to complete these types of tests. Hmmm. Check it out!
English Language Arts
. . .And the Grit Goes On
Some might call it synchronicity when you suddenly start to see things that you never noticed before. I thought it was called something different, but this whole idea of grit has popped up on my radar everywhere this past week. Great stuff! My favorite message was from a former college student letting me know her entire school staff was focusing on grit this entire year! My video fav, which I have linked, but you may have to go to Teacher Tube and sign up before viewing, shows Leah Alcala's Teaching Channel video My Favorite No: Learning From Mistakes In her bell work, she demonstrates to the class that wrong answers should be welcomed because of what they can teach us. Teachers, isn't this the truth with our lessons that fall flat. These failures are where I have done my very best teacher learning and have rallied with some of my most creative lessons for a reteach. Failure prompts the need to succeed! (And it can be taught!!)
If you do PD or just need a no-snoozer way to bring kids back together you will love the NoYell Bell. Seriously, I was using it in a classroom last year and the teacher ended up buying three!! Speaking of three, enjoy your 3-day weekend. Until next Saturday...