
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Team U.S.A.-- Lucy Calkins and Charlotte Danielson

Need Help with Your Teacher Evaluation?

 Michael Fullan has cautioned that the greatest problem in education is not resistance to change, but the adoption of too many innovations, implemented in a superficial way, 
uncoordinated with each other and needing ongoing work.

photo taken by Barbara Taylor

               I can remember months ago receiving an emailed invitation to a one-day conference presented by Lucy Calkins, author and educator extraordinaire, featuring Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching currently being used for high stakes teacher evaluation. Why was Lucy, Reading and Writing Guru, intersecting with Charlotte Danielson? Calkins' reasoning rested in Fullan's opening quote. We (teachers, administrators, education in general) have been innovated to death with little attention paid to integrity of the original design since we've already devised a shortcut or need to shortchange the process before we even get started because we are juggling so many other programs and initiatives. Hmmm! For the 2013-14 school year many, many schools have faced Year One implementation of Common Core in addition to adopting a formal high-stakes teacher evaluation model. Could it be any more stressful?

               It is the Teacher's College Reading and Writing Project's (TCRWP) goal for schools using the Danielson Framework for Teaching to coordinate their teacher effectiveness work with their literacy instruction. Thus, the one-day conference was born. Brilliant and logical. It took me less than a nan-nu second to know I had to go.  Lucy has to be my Numero Uno educator who I worship and have faithfully followed since the Whole Language days when the spotlight beamed brightly on student writing. Unfortunately, Lucy was in New York for this event and I was here in the Ozarks in North Central Arkansas. It wasn't going to happen for me.

               Well life moves on, I forgot about the event. About two hours ago I received an email from Lucy. Actually it was from the secretary at Teacher's College announcing videos of literacy lessons using the Charlotte Danielson Framework had been posted on Vimeo. I joined (it's free) and started watching a couple of these. Suddenly, I realized I had to switch out my already written blog to bring you up close and personal with these videos. My reasoning is simple. These have just come out and you can watch them this weekend and start implementing on Monday. I know there are many of you scheduled for evaluations later in February and in March.

               Each of the 15 videos is focused on one of the three teachers being observed and within each of the series, you will find an introduction to that teacher's observation (by Lucy), the teacher's pre conference, observation, and post conference. You should know that these teachers opened their doors--to their first-ever observations and to a film crew--all within the first few weeks of the school year. A detailed menu and individual links for each of the videos are in the resource section at the end. Enjoy!

               There will be additional materials to accompany these videos. I  will pass anything good your way. Rebecca, I know you will be fine with me moving your interview to next week because you are you. A big thank you for always being so flexible. I will be pinning the videos to both my Growing Readers and Growing Writers Pinterest boards. For more on Charlotte Danielson's Framework see an earlier blog. Also, you might want to visit my Pinterest Board on  Teacher Evaluations/Charlotte Danielson.

I know how busy everyone is. Teachers simply are the best people on the planet. Thank you so much for stopping by. Best wishes for a very Happy Saturday.

Additional Resources

If you are on the website the videos should be in two columns (or at least they are on my screen) I am going from Left to Right with a return sweep to the next row. The lessons are being taught in grades, 1, 2, and 4.

Video 1- A Danielson observation of a TCRWP First Grade Shared Reading Experience and Reading Workshop--Introduction by Lucy Calkins.

Video 2- A Danielson observation of a TCRWP First Grade Shared Reading Experience and Reading Workshop--Pre Conference

Video 3- A Danielson observation of a TCRWP First Grade--Observation of a Shared Reading Experience 

Video 4- A Danielson observation of a TCRWP First Grade-- An Observation of the subsequent Reading Workshop

Video 5- A Danielson observation of a TCRWP First Grade Shared Reading Experience and Reading Workshop-- Post Conference

Video 6- A Danielson Observation of a TCRWP Second Grade Reading Workshop and Interactive Read Aloud--Introduction by Lucy Calkins

Video 7- A Danielson Observation of a TCRWP Second Grade Reading Workshop and Interactive Read Aloud--Pre Conference

Video 8-  A Danielson Observation of a TCRWP Second Grade --An Observation of a reading mini Lesson

Video 9- A Danielson Observation of a TCRWP Second Grade-- Reading Workshop and the Interactive Read Aloud

Video 10- Danielson Observation of a TCRWP Second Grade-- Reading Workshop and the Interactive Read Aloud-- Post Conference

Video 11- A Danielson Observation of a TCRWP Fourth Grade Reading-- Intro by Lucy Calkins

Video 12- A Danielson Observation of a TCRWP Fourth Grade Reading Writing Workshop in an Integrated Co-teaching class- Pre Conference

Video 13- A Danielson Observation of a TCRWP Fourth Grade -- An Observation of a Writing Mini Lesson.

Video 14- A Danielson Observation of a TCRWP Fourth Grade Reading Writing Workshop in an Integrated Co-teaching class- Post-Conference

Video 15-  A Danielson Observation of a TCRWP Fourth Grade--An observation of the rest of Writing Workshop

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